Our Mission

Central PA Down Syndrome Awareness Group is committed to the success of individuals with Down syndrome.  By promoting acceptance and awareness in our community we can empower individuals with Down syndrome to meet and exceed their dreams.

Three Families! Three Sons! One Purpose!

Click on a son to read his story!

Anthony Guillaume

Nicholas Smarr

Carson Kauffman

How does CPADSAG promote acceptance and awareness in the community?

Community Social Events:  Provide a social environment where families of individuals with Down syndrome can come together to socialize and support one another.

Education/Family Focus Events:  Provide families with the information they need to ensure they are maximizing the resources available to individuals with Down syndrome.

Individual Grants/Funding:  Provide funds to people with Down syndrome for programs, equipment, etch that promote forward progress.

Central PA Down Syndrome Awareness Group was founded in 2008. Current board members are:

heather meck - president/co-founder

erin bucher - Vice president

Cori Guillaume - treasurer/co-founder

danielle roberts - secretary


The Central PA Down Syndrome Awareness Group is a 501(c)(3)nonprofit organization and acknowledges that no goods or services were provided to you in return for your contribution. A letter will be sent acknowledging your gift. Please keep for tax purposes. The official registration and financial information of the Central PA Down Syndrome Awareness Group may be obtained from the PA Dept. of State by calling toll free within PA, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.